Périclès - Toulouse



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ICPO - Orsay


GSC Etoile - Lyon


Transversal projects


LogoPRIMESThe "laboratory of excellence" program aims are to fund a set of partners to develop an integrated policy of research, training and development. In this context, the first objective of PRIMES (Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imaging and Simulation) is to develop new concepts and methods for exploration, diagnosis and therapy of cancer and aging-associated diseases. PRIMES covers various fields ranging from fundamental physics to instrumentation, radiobiology, data acquisition and processing, and IT simulation and modeling. PRIMES brings together more than 190 researchers and academics in the Rhône-Alpes Auvergne region. Several imaging platforms, computing and radiotherapy are available to researchers in this laboratory of excellence.

 Le GdR Mi2B

logo-mi2bResearch teams of about ten IN2P3 laboratories (among others) have joined their forces to start in 2004, the creation of a research group whose main theme was the development of new methodological approaches to biomedical imaging whether in the field of instrumentation or modeling (GDR MI2B). This group should be a fruitful operational solutions for the establishment of a real interdisciplinary gathering and the value creation of work undertaken. Experts from different disciplines will be able to meet at regular intervals and to develop relevant projects from the perspective of the different disciplines. The main objective of the GDR is the structuring of activities at the interface between the physical and life sciences and health, especially by federating efforts and resources to joint relatively-large projects. The GDR also serves as an incubator for emerging projects to enable them to spend a first phase (proof of concept, feasibility test) and then compete in the various types of calls for projects.